Miyerkules, Pebrero 11, 2015

Delivery Trucks Can Sometimes Deliver Pain

The advent of online purchasing has meant an increase in the visibility of delivery trucks bringing merchandise to homes and businesses. That surge means that the chance of an accident involving these vehicles increases, which should get everyone’s attention.

A trucking accident like this occurs due to the makeup of the vehicle, which can’t be driven like a standard car or other smaller mode of transport. In addition, issues of speeding, needed space, as well as the danger of rollovers are all things that have to be taken into consideration.

Direct Causes

Drivers rush between deliveries, which means that speed may trump safety, a recipe for disaster. Such haste might result in a braking accident, since additional space is needed to stop. When it comes to rollovers, the possibility increases due to the heavy amount of items a truck is usually carrying.

Important Aspects in Delivery Truck Accidents

Those individuals who are injured due to a delivery truck need to quickly determine who is at fault through proper legal representation. In the event that person died, their family should follow through.

Regardless, the quickest way to help determine fault will be to professionally reconstruct the accident. This can include the position of the vehicles that were damaged, how the impact occurred, photographs of any skid marks and any witness testimony available.

Doing this can prevent memories from fading, skid marks from being removed and any other potential issue that could crop up. This is one area where speed IS necessary.

Different Settlements for Different Cases

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all component to determining how much a potential settlement might be, since a variety of different factors have to be considered. These can include: the type of injuries that were received and how long any recovery period will be; the amount of insurance that the negligent party (which could be the driver or their employer) has; or what took place in the accident, which will likely help determine the strength of an individual’s case.

A Clear and Present Danger

Evidence of how prevalent the problem is in the state of Texas can be seen in these items from the past year:

*On March 4, a 38-year-old man in Fort Worth suffered broken bones in both feet after being run over in a freak accident by a delivery truck. The mishap took place due to a poorly maintained vehicle in which the transmission and parking brake were not properly working.

*On November 20 in Killeen, a 13-year-old boy riding his bicycle with other children was hit by a delivery truck at an intersection, just as the truck was pulling away. The boy suffered a broken leg and possible internal injuries.

*On December 28, a crash just north of Bronte involving a package delivery truck and a Ford F-150 killed a 60-year-old woman. The accident occurred after the delivery truck crossed into the opposite lane and struck the Ford, rolling it over.

Knowing What to Do

The delivery truck has its purpose, but that doesn’t include the reckless endangerment of other people. Trucking accident personal injury lawyers know this, and are aware of the proper steps needed for a fair settlement to be reached.